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I'm Jackie. Welcome to my blog where I share with you everything and anything about my travels and adventures with and without my dog! When i'm not working my regular 9-5 remote job, i'm out exploring the world.

I didn't grow up in an outdoorsy family; I had only camped once before the age of 23 and I hated it. I fully believed I was just a city girl until the pandemic hit and I decided to pack up everything I could fit in my MINI cooper and move to Colorado with my dog. My passion for creating videos and photography quickly led me to find a deep love nature and exploring. Getting a dog helped me push through being single and scared to hike alone.


Now I've proudly hiked hundreds of trails, ran half marathons in the mountains, rappelled down cliffs, summited14ers, skied down dozens of mountains in the world, camped in remote areas under the stars, and have seen more than I ever could have imagined in my almost 30 years of life. I gravitate towards travel that allows me to experience new things, challenge myself, feed my curious mind, and allow me to spend quality time those I love.


I've lived all over the US and traveled to over 23 international countries. I'm currently in Seattle, Washington.


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